CONTACT: PHONE Annabelle: 01373 466399 SEE ALSO:

Tuesday 14 February 2012


about 25 people sat down after the frack-off presentation (wesley church, 10th Feb) discussed what could be done and came up with the following:
  • We can't wait for the Environment Agency to take a lead.
  • individual letters are more effective than emails and petitions. (though these definately have their place)
  • if WATER forms the basis of our arguments against fracking, it's difficult for people to argue for it.
  • We would all write to (at least): Somerset county council, Wessex and Bristol Water and The Environment Agency asking them what strategy they have come up with on Hydraulic Fracturing. 
We want to enter into dialogue with these people, not conflict, but ask them politely for a reply.

1 comment:

  1. It's a slightly parallel approach, but a webinar has been set up with funders of environmental work (some small, some large - lottery, joseph rowntree....)with Frack-off, after i set out the case Frack-off made to us for early action. This should be in the next few weeks - it's a private event but I'll let you know sgnificant progress. Frack-off team continues on it's tour - they seem happy, having adjusted the presentation as they go....
